Palazzo Pond | 30" x 24"

About the Artwork

Palazzo Pond is a 30" x 24" acrylic painting by Paul Jorgensen created on canvas. The art of Jorgensen is defined by the use of colour and light, which results in a seamless blend of fantasy and reality. The distinctive brushstrokes add texture to the elements in the painting, such as the foliage and the stonework around the pond, giving them a tactile quality. Jorgensen's aim is to create works that not only please the eyes but also evoke a sense of wonder and narrative. In this painting, the architecture stands out, rendered in warm pinks and oranges, complemented by tall, slender cypress trees that point skyward in striking greens and yellows. These trees are a hallmark of the Tuscan landscape, which hints at the European influence in Jorgensen's work. The painting balances the elegance of the palazzo with the natural beauty of the trees and water, inviting you to step into Jorgensen's world.

Dimensions and Details

  • Size: 30" x 24"
  • Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
  • Display: This artwork is painted on a 1.5" wide stretcher canvas with finished black edges and is intended to be displayed unframed.

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Enquire About Palazzo Pond | 30" x 24" by Paul Jorgensen

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