
Up to Greet the Day | 20" x 60"

About the Artwork

Up to Greet the Day is a 20" x 60" oil painting by Dana Irving created on canvas. Irving's style is marked by smooth transitions and soft edges, which creates an organic feel as the colours blend from the misty mountains to the reflections in the water. This blending technique produces a dreamlike quality, where the boundaries between elements are gentle and fluid, like melding notes in a melody. It captures a quintessentially Canadian experience, showcasing a peaceful morning scene amidst the stunning backdrop of the country's iconic landscapes. The painting features snow-dusted mountain peaks bathed in the soft luminescence of dawn, a mirror-like lake in the foreground, and an array of trees in vibrant greens and golds that stand guard along the water's edge. The inclusion of a solitary red canoe adds a burst of colour and a personal touch to the vastness of nature, symbolizing the Canadian spirit of adventure and the serene beauty of the country's wilderness.

Dimensions and Details

  • Size: 20" x 60"
  • Medium: Oil on Canvas
  • Display: Dana has used a 1.5" deep profile canvas. The painting wraps around the side of the canvas and is intended to be displayed unframed.

How to Purchase

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Enquire About Up to Greet the Day | 20" x 60" by Dana Irving

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