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Footed Murrini Vase with Folded Lip | 5" x 5" x 5"


About the Artwork

Footed Murrini Vase with Folded Lip is a blown glass sculpture by Darren Petersen. The vase has a base colour of deep, oceanic blue, which gradually fades as it reaches the top. The middle section is adorned with a complex network of crackled textures in shades of green, ranging from olive to bright lime, intersected by veins of rust and scarlet. The upper part of the vase is adorned with a rich cerulean band encircling its mouth.

The murrini glass technique involves layering coloured glass rods into a pattern, which are then stretched into long rods called canes. These canes are sliced into cross-sections that reveal detailed patterns, much like a loaf of artisan bread. The cross-sections, also known as murrine, are then carefully arranged in a design and fused in a hot kiln. Once the design is formed, the murrine is rolled onto a gather of molten glass and blown into the final shape. This creates intricate, mosaic-like patterns on the surface of the glass object, resulting in a stunning kaleidoscopic effect that is both precise in its craftsmanship and whimsical in its appearance.

Dimensions and Details

  • Size: 5" x 5" x 5"
  • Medium: Blown Glass Vase Patterned with Murrine

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