Captain Jess Home from the Labrador | Etching 21 of 35 | 1976

About the Artwork

Captain Jess Home from the Labrador is an evocative print by renowned Newfoundland artist David Blackwood. This piece captures the solemn moment of Captain Jesse Thomas Winsor's casket being brought home, reflecting the tragic end of a respected mariner's life. The print poignantly illustrates the community's shared grief and the harsh realities faced by those who lived and worked in Newfoundland's maritime industries.

In the upper section of the artwork, mourners clad in heavy coats gather along the deck, their figures hunched against the cold and their faces etched with sorrow. Below, in the belly of the ship, six men carefully lower Captain Winsor's casket into the hold. The muted tones and meticulous detail emphasize the weight of the moment, capturing both the physical and emotional burden carried by those who knew him.

Dimensions and Details

  • Size: 31.75 x 19.75
  • Medium: Colour Etching with Aquatint on Paper
  • Display: The artwork needs to be framed and is in its original frame from the time period.

Historical Context

Captain Jesse Thomas Winsor (1873-1933) was a well-known sea captain from Wesleyville, Newfoundland. On August 7, 1933, he tragically passed away after falling into the hold of the Italian supply ship Alice, which he was piloting to Cartwright, Labrador, to establish a supply base for an Italian air armada. Despite being rushed to a hospital in St. John's, he succumbed to his injuries the following day. Captain Winsor's death was a significant loss to the community, and his casket's return to Wesleyville marked a moment of collective mourning.

David Blackwood's print not only commemorates Captain Winsor but also serves as a tribute to the many mariners who faced the dangers of the sea, their lives and deaths intertwined with the rugged and unforgiving landscape of Newfoundland.

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Enquire About Captain Jess Home from the Labrador | Etching 21 of 35 | 1976 by David Blackwood

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