
Bygone Summers | 36" x 36"

About the Artwork

Bygone Summers is a 36" x 36" acrylic on canvas by Paul Jorgensen. This remarkable work showcases Jorgensen's distinctive style, which combines whimsical architecture with the beauty of nature. At the heart of the scene is a charming pink cottage surrounded by vibrant, flowing trees and soft, organic shapes. Jorgensen employs bold, playful colours—rich purples, reds, greens, and blues—to evoke a dreamlike quality, blending the warmth of summer with nostalgic undertones. His textured brushstrokes and layered colour technique add depth and movement, making the composition both inviting and dynamic. Jorgensen's painting style is marked by joyful abstraction and a surrealist approach to perspective. The trees reach upwards playfully, while the cottage and path hint at a story of tranquil summer days. The composition is skillfully balanced, mixing geometric and organic forms to create a harmonious yet whimsical scene. Through this fantastical landscape, Jorgensen invites viewers into a world that feels as peaceful as it is imaginative, stirring fond memories of summers past.

Dimensions and Details

  • Size: 36" x 36" on stretched canvas
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Display: Ready to hang as is, unframed

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Enquire About Bygone Summers | 36" x 36" by Paul Jorgensen

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