Blu Smith
Raindrop Chain | 42" x 138"
Sale price$13,300.00
John Ogilvy
Wide Open | 36" x 48"
Sale price$4,400.00
Peter Shostak
Not ready to go home after the box social | 48" x 60"
Sale price$14,995.00
Joanne Gauthier
Beautiful Red | 48" x 48"
Sale price$5,090.00
Shi Le
The Silence # 1 | 59" x 59"
Sale price$8,750.00
Gerda Marschall
As Far as the Eye Can See | 48" x 72"
Sale price$7,950.00
Richard Cole
Three Trees | 40" x 54"
Sale price$4,800.00
Steven Armstrong
Beyond the Pale | 36" x 60"
Sale price$6,275.00
Blu Smith
The Light is Always On | 48" x 83"
Sale price$9,800.00
Blu Smith
Some Place Hidden | 54" x 84"
Sale price$10,900.00
Blu Smith
Hold the Line | 60" x 66"
Sale price$9,600.00
Paul Jorgensen
Mediterranean Scent | 48" x 48"
Sale price$5,300.00
Ryan Sobkovich
Windswept Georgian Bay Island | 30" x 60”
Sale price$7,800.00
Ryan Sobkovich
Winter Shadows in the Rockies | 24" x 36"
Sale price$3,900.00
Ryan Sobkovich
Spirit Island Reflections | 40" x 72"
Sale price$10,150.00