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Monuments and Mountains

A limited collection by Fraser Brinsmead opens May 29, 2021, in Edmonton, Alberta. 

"Mountains have continuously stirred profound feelings in us, and we are moved to create beautiful buildings that strive to belong in this natural world of unparalleled beauty?

This limited collection of five new acrylic on canvas paintings has a great deal of sentimental meaning for Fraser Brinsmead.  When the viewer observes the properties of Jasper Park Lodge, Post Hotel, and Chateau Lake Louise, the original architects had to consider the immense scale of their surroundings. There is a clear definition between the architecture of humankind and the architecture of God. Fraser Brinsmead has gone to great lengths to express his admiration of these two architects.

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SoldAutumn River Valley | 36" x 48" Acrylic on Canvas Fraser BrinsmeadAutumn River Valley | 36" x 48" Acrylic on Canvas Fraser Brinsmead