Jeannette Sirois
Breath of Life | 32" x 80" - Diptych
Sale price$18,975.00
Peter Shostak
Not ready to go home after the box social | 48" x 60"
Sale price$14,995.00
Blu Smith
White Water | 66" x 106"
Sale price$14,900.00
Ryan Sobkovich
Paddling on Otterslide Creek | 48" x 66"
Sale price$13,800.00
Blu Smith
Raindrop Chain | 42" x 138"
Sale price$13,300.00
Blu Smith
High Tide | 54" x 84"
Sale price$10,900.00
Blu Smith
Some Place Hidden | 54" x 84"
Sale price$10,900.00
Ryan Sobkovich
Spirit Island Reflections | 40" x 72"
Sale price$10,150.00