
Winter Sea #2 | 36" x 48"

About the Artwork

Winter Sea #2 is a 36" x 48" oil painting by Patricia Johnston on canvas that masterfully captures the solemn beauty of the sea in the quiet of winter. The horizon is barely visible, hidden behind the misty sky and water blend, encouraging you to build your narrative. Patricia Johnston has used her signature layering and glazing techniques to create a remarkable depth and texture painting. Up close, you can identify the meticulous strokes and subtle colour changes contributing to the artwork's dynamic yet serene character. These details blend seamlessly from a distance, creating a cohesive and peaceful seascape that extends beyond the canvas's edges. Johnston's use of glaze is particularly noteworthy for creating the work's luminous quality. Each layer contributes to the illusion of light filtering through clouds and reflecting off the water's surface, making the sea appear lively and ever-changing. The artist's soft brushwork and blending of the sea and sky suggest a harmonious dance between the elements, exemplifying the quiet strength and grandeur of the winter sea. This is not just a regular seascape but a sensory experience that resonates with the essence of this peaceful place, embodying the calm and reflective moments that the winter seas often inspire.

Dimensions and Details

  • Size: 36" x 48"
  • Medium: Oil on Canvas
  • Display: Patricia has used a 1.5" deep profile canvas. The painting wraps around the side of the canvas and is intended to be displayed unframed.

How to Purchase

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Enquire About Winter Sea #2 | 36" x 48" by Patricia Johnston

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